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Regen Property Group

Standard Terms & Conditions of Trading



Regen Property Group (ABN 62 831 838 508),  their  servants,  assigns,  Agents  referred to  as “the Company” or “us” and the person or legal entity to whom this quotation is addressed will be referred to  as “the Purchaser”.


  1. Quotations remain current for the period of 30 days and are given on the basis of errors and omissions accepted (E & OE) and  are  an Invitation  To  Treat.

  2. The Quoted Price is based on a cleared site, Subject to change due to conditions foreseen and unforeseen.  Unless  noted on  the quotation,  any costs incurred by us  will  be  added to the Purchasers account. 

  3. The quotation is given on the basis of free access by the Company to the job site during normal working hours (which may include  Weekends)  and  also  access  to  undertake  the  works  continuously  without breaking the Company’s work schedule for the job,  unless by prior agreement.   Variations to this will incur additional charges.  Detention time will be charged at our standard ruling rates if delays in unloading on  site occur  as  a result of the Purchaser  not being  able to provide us access.

  4. Unless stated in the quotation,  no allowance has been made for any remediation, repair or replacement to any property, Item(s), goods or material.  Above or below ground level including (but not limited to)  concrete, gutters, roof tiles, drainage system, property, Item(s), goods or material.  which may be encountered during the performance of the contract. Additional charges based  on  ruling  hourly  rates  for  labour  plus  any other  required  costs  will  be made to cover  the costs incurred as a result of such works, occurrences or obstructions.

  5. Unless stated in the quotation,  no allowance has been made for any cleaning to any property, Item(s), goods or material including (but not limited to) any roof, pergola, veranda, carport, down pipe and/or drainage system.

  6. Waste  removal,  including  excess  soil, material or goods  is  the responsibility  of  the  Purchaser  unless  specifically included in the Quotation.

  7. If works are performed that require roof access. Unless advised otherwise the Company shall take the structure as being sound in nature. The tiles and/or sheets as being sound in nature. The Purchaser shall advise the Company prior to acceptance if the roof is not sound in nature.

  8. If weed control products are to be applied in or around the site. The purchaser is to take relevant control measures to restrict traffic as required directly through or around affected areas until safe to do so. A product safety data sheet (SDS) can be provided upon purchaser’s request in writing prior to commencement.

  9. Any  variation,  alteration  or  modification  of the works  or  materials must be in writing and signed/accepted by the Purchaser  or  their  authorised  representative  and  the Company reserves the right to vary the price accordingly.

  10. Any  Notices  to be given or Permits required as a consequence of the works must be given by the Purchaser,  within  any necessary  time frames,  as  required,  prior  to  the Company commencing work.

  11. The Purchaser shall supervise the location of the works  and shall, where installation is involved,  advise the  installer/Labourer  of the  locations  of  all  electrical  cables,  gas  or  water pipes,  sewage,  telephone  lines  and  other  service  facility  which  is  or  may  be  affected  by the proposed works.  The Company shall not be liable  for  the incorrect location of the works or damage to any of the above utilities  and the Purchaser will  indemnify  the Company  at  all  times  against  any  claims  or demands made by any person  or  authority in respect of such incorrect location or damage.

  12. Upon  acceptance  of  the  quotation,  payment will be the responsibility of  the person  or  legal  entity  to whom  this  quotation is directed.  Such  acceptance  will  be  taken  as an authority to proceed with all works including,  if applicable,  demolition  and/or removal of  existing  structures or items and the legal entity to whom the quotation is addressed is assumed to have obtained the agreement  of  all  other  property  owners,  occupants and Authorities from whom approval is required.

  13. The Company will not become involved in the advocating on the behalf of the Owners of contiguous properties to the works.

  14. The Company shall be entitled to render the Purchaser progress claims based on a pro-rata value  of  work  completed  on  a weekly  basis, such claims to be paid by the Purchaser upon submission of the Company’s invoice.

  15. The Company’s normal payment terms are payment upon completion of the Works.  Any dispute or concern regarding the works are to be delivered to the company in writing,  not  later than  7  days  following completion of the Works,  prior to any further action being undertaken.

  16. Should  the  Company  incur  legal  and/or  other  expenses  including  internal  costs  and  expenses  to  any  Agency  licensed  under  the  Commercial  &  Private  Agents  Act  (as  Amended)  or  a  legal  practitioner  in  obtaining  or  attempting  to  obtain  payment  of  all  or  part of  any  amount(s)  due,  the  Purchaser  is  liable for the payment  of  those expenses on  a  Solicitor-Client  basis.  These are due and payable immediately  when  advised  to  the  Purchaser.

  17.  Interest  on  a daily  basis at current Commonwealth Bank of Australia published  overdraft  rates plus 2%  may  be charged  on  any  overdue  amount on the  account  and further  in consideration  of  any grant of credit.  The Purchaser  expressly  undertakes  to pay  all  such  interest.

  18.  Property  in the goods supplied/used shall remain vested in The Company  and shall not pass to the Purchaser until  all  monies  owing  by  the Purchaser  to the Company  together  with  all  collection  and  repossession  and  legal  costs  incurred,  have  been paid in full,  plus any  Government  charges/taxes  where applicable.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  the  goods  are  at  the  entire  risk  of  the  Purchaser  from  the  time  of  the  delivery.  In  the  event  that  the  Purchaser  defaults  in  the payment  of  any  monies  owing  hereunder  the  Company and  its  employees  or  agents  shall  have the right to enter without notice upon the Purchaser’s premises  or  any  other premises  where the goods are known  to  be to  repossess  the  goods and for this purpose the Purchaser shall grant all reasonable access rights and the Company and its employees or agents shall be entitled  to do all things required to protect it's position.  This includes  any  installed  good or materials.

  19.  If   the  Purchaser  trades with the Company  on  an ongoing  basis  then  these  Terms and Conditions of Sale  together  with  any  variations thereto  will apply.

  20. Applicable  Law  is  that of South Australia.

  21. These  Terms  &  Conditions  of  Sale  may  only  be  varied  if approved  in  writing  by  the  Director or Proprietor  of  the Company and witnessed by the Company's nominated individual/ party   and  if  the Company enters  into a Client’s  contract,  then  any clauses contained in these Terms  &  Conditions  which  are  not over-ridden  specifically  by  any  of  the  Client’s  Conditions  will remain operative.

  22.  If  any provision  or  part of  this  Contract is void  or  unenforceable  for  any  reason,  then  that  provision  or  part  will  be severed  from  this  Contract  and the rest  of  this Contract  will be read  as  far as  possible  as  if  the severed  part  or  provision  had never existed.

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